Number of common use in the campaigns of Oakley. It is believed to time middle of day, when the Sun is strongest, (ideal time of day for the protection of sunglasses), as well as the time at night, the first program was broadcast in an advertisement. However the number In fact they chose at random. This statement has a lot of legend.
ANSI Z 87.1
ANSI Z87.1 belongs to American National Standard that determines the basic requirements for staff and the eyes in terms of protective devices, to minimize or avoid injury by impact, radiation non-ionizing and agents chemical in labor, educational, and military environments.
This standard establishes criteria related to description, General requirements, testing, marking, selection, care and use of these guards.
+ It is an additional requirement of the ANSI Z87.1 standard which provides effects moresevere and strict.
Penetration (1.56 oz - 44.2 g I 50 - 127 cm) high lmpact masses to low velociada (500 gr - 127 cm) and high resistance to the impact of high speed and low mass (46 m/s).
Most of Oakley products meet this standard in one of its variants.
ANSI Z 87.1 in the majority of products for sport.
ANSI Z 87.2 and ANSI Z 87.3 in glasses named "wearable", "Life skills" or "Fashion". (+ Info on the resistance of Oakley lenses)
All tactical Rudy Project products are certified ANSI Z87.1 +. (Required by NATO for its military certification)
5 metal alloy, lightweight, very resistant, hypoallergenic, malleable and anti corrosion,used in the frame to Oakley.
FULL METAL JACKET, frame cladding that gives a metallic look, made with oxide of Metal.
Polaric Ellipsoid ™ geometry
The Polaric Ellipsoid ™ patented Oakley geometry maintains visual clarity at all angles of vision, even at the edges of the contours of inclined backwards lenses that maximize peripheral vision and protection. Conventional glasses bend light rays and distort the vision in the periphery of the lens. Polaric Ellipsoid ™ geometry assigns all around lens to the human eye, allowing a precise view from any angle.
G20, G30 and G40
G = Green (green) applies to ideal lenses for the practice of Golf and sports on real grass or synthetic. Thanks to the treatments on the basis of lens, they absorb much green, creating a contrast to differentiate the lawn ball. The number that follows is the light (lu trasmitanciaz which passes).
Of the same group as the previous ones, but this is more aimed at shooting sports.
HDO High Definition Optics ®
High Definition Optics ® (HDO ®) is the basis of clarity and greater reliability of Oakley. Let's be clear: Oakley HDO eliminates any distortion. Finished seeing things in places where in fact they are not. Finished seeing blurry objects in the distance. With HDO, find stones, outgoing and potholes where it is assumed that they must be: wherever they are in reality. In fact, HDO not only meets the requirements of clarity of the National Institute of American standards (ANSI) tests, but it surpasses them. (+ Info about HDO)
Iridium (mirroring)
Treatment with effect mirror (optional) eyeglasses Oakley designed camera glare in many weather conditions.
Original M Frame, which I made in 3 color combinations.
Aluminium alloy with a high-strength, lightweight metal.
OO Polarized
Polarized technology more soft Oakley. For example, this polarized does not offer much difficulty to see devices with LCD display (mobile, browser, witnesses of the automobile, etc...). The effectiveness of the polarized remains maxima.
Or Matter
Mounting material (identifiedcommonly in other types of glasses as \"Pasta\"). " It is a material livano and very reistente used in the majority of Oakley Sunglasses.
Oakley Premium Dealer, one of the most high ratings that may have a dealer of Oakley products.
Center Optico Alpedrete is certified as Oakley Premium Dealer.
OTD (Oakley True Digital)
Exclusive technology for the manufacture of lenes prescription Oakley. High quality at all points. (+ Info about OTD)
Material that Oakley Sunglasses lenses are built. It is a very high resistance polycarbonate and filters (independent of color) always 100% UV-A, UV-B and UV-C rays, as well as the harmfulBlue light up to 400nm.
(+ Infor on the UV protection of Oakley lenses)
Oakley eyeglasses color is inherent to the lens due to the construction of the lens which is why fusion (not layers as in competition) what makes the deterioration of the lens color almost impossible in time. (do not confuse with treatment "mirroring" Iridium)
Polarized (Polarized)
Technology that blocks glare and reflections produced by the Sun in polished surfaces (water, sand, asphalt, snow, etc). Not all technologies of polarization are equal.
(+ Info on the polarized)
Denomination for graduate (vvista glasses) sunglasses.
Qualificationin specially designed products, either by an Act, event, group or similar. What is it called "Limited editions".
Straight Sterm
Variation in mounts Oakley Radar (in several of its versions) consisting of rods more straight than the traditional model, so best suits faces narrower.(+ Info)
System for the easy and fast change of lens.
Three Point Fit (fit in three points)
Taking into account that probably Oakley lenses are that provide higher-quality optics, it is very important that gesturing or move, the glass always this on your website, that do not move, if so and the various alignment, though not dejariamos see, would not be perfect.
To do this,Oakley has designed a support system at three points (nose and ears) so the rest of the glass do not touch your face and you can not move, so the rods are curved. A very tight glass that goes "stuck to the face", this is not recommended also would be more prone to create fogging problems due to the lack of ventilation. (+ Details)
Matter with which the rod terminals are made and nasal of the majority of the Oakley Sunglasses. It is a hydrophilic material, absorbs the moisture (sweat) to allow a grip / perfect fixation even in extreme situations.
VR28, VR50, VR...
VR = Violet Rust (oxide violet). It is the name of the dye in the background that use these lenses at its base of construction (one violet and one the oxide). The number that follows is the trasmitancia of light (which passes).
It is a tone